Playing Multiplayer Cooperative Games

Zinc has a unique cooperative multiplayer mode. To find out how multiplayer Zinc works, see the section called How Does Multiplayer Zinc Work? in the chapter called Introduction. This section explains the extra elements found in the game window when playing multiplayer games and how to cooperate with the other players to solve a game.

If you have not already read the chapter called Playing Adventure Games in Zinc then it is recommended that you do so now.

Playing Multiplayer Games

You can start or join a multiplayer game from the Game Launcher window - see the section called Starting a Network Game in the chapter called The Game Launcher and the section called Joining a Network Game in the chapter called The Game Launcher for more information.

The Multiplayer Game Window

In multiplayer mode the game window has several extra features:

Using Chat

To facilitate cooperation between players, multiplayer Zinc has a messenger system referred to as "Chat". This is available in the side bar or in a separate window accessible by selecting View->Chat window.

To send messages to other players type your message in the text box below the icons and press Enter:

You can use Control-Enter to specifically insert a line break in your message.

Click on the smiley face icon to insert a smiley in your message. You will see a drop down menu of smileys:

Select one by clicking it.

You can change your name in the game by selecting Game->Change Multiplayer Name. You wll be asked to enter a new name for yourself.

Voting and Hotseating

In order to allow networked gameplay to stay consistent, optional control systems can be selected for a game.

The Voting system

The Voting system subjects game commands to a vote amongst all players. A vote passes if a strict majority of the players are in favour. When a command is proposed by another player, a message box appears on your screen asking if you are in favour of the motion; click Yes or No as applicable. Once everyone has voted, the result appears in your chat window.

The Hotseat system

The Hotseat system gives the task of approving or rejecting commands to one player. If you are in the hotseat when another player proposes a command, a dialog box appears on your screen; click Yes to approve the command, or No to reject it. The player who entered the command receives a message in their chat window informing them of the decision.

Playing with no control

It is also possible to play with no control; any command entered will take effect without confirmation from any other players.

Configuring game control

You can select the game control systems on a per-game and per-component basis. Select Game->Game Options. A dialog box will appear allowing you to select the main control system for the game and optional systems to govern specific actions can be specified.